Odds and Ends
Yes, yet again it has been quite a while since the last photo update. I could make up a lot of excuses about doing other things, emergencies, or some such, but it would be only partially true. I have a lazy streak. Maybe it is more of an 'easily distracted' streak, but none the less, it does take me a while to do things sometimes.
But I have decided I am going to stop apologizing for not having photos here in a timely manner. If I want to be lazy, I'll be lazy; if I want to feverishly post the latest details of my life, I will do that too (don't count on it). But there is no reason to have to say I am sorry just because it has been a while since I have posted. So there it is. No more "I'm sorry". If that bothers you, if that chaps your ass, well then ...
... I'm sorry.
This post is just a collection of some photos at the end of one memory card and at the start of another. There is no underlying theme here except maybe that all these photos were taken in the spring of 2005. So yes I am officially one year behind in posting photos.
This first image is of cherry blossom time in Seoul, Korea. In all honesty, the cherry blossoms were much better in another city I lived in here, Cheongju. What I was really trying to show here is the sheer mass of people that come out all at the same time to see the floral show. This picture does not convey the hordes of humanity present. When going home, it took us about about ten minutes to go down one flight of stairs to the subway, another ten minutes or more from the stairs to the subway gate, and then about thirty to forty minutes waiting for our turn to get on the subway train. I think living in Seoul would be hard for me. I have the patience of Job, but even for me there might come a time where the constant crowds would make me freak out.
This is the "63 Building" in Seoul along the Han river. So named because it is sixty-three stories tall. It actually is pretty nice. The golden color looks nice against the sky when there is not too much smog. I have been in the building, but never up to the observation deck. It was just too expensive for me at the time. I would do it with someone else if they wanted to go. But for myself, I am a cheap bastard. If you want to see something neat, and you have Google Earth on your computer, click this link. It will download a model of the 63 building and place it in the correct spot on the earth. Then you can zoom in and out and rotate all around the model.
This is just someone there in the park that day. He was staring at me so I took his picture. It is interesting how babies as young as this, and sometimes younger, can look at a foreigner and recognize them for being foreign. That day in the park he just kept staring at me. He would occasionally glance at my Korean companion, but always returned to stare at me. This kind of thing has happened numerous times, so I know it is not just my imagination. It is also interesting how as the individual gets older, the staring becomes more annoying. But no matter how old they are, they still do it.
There were many more flowers on display in the park that day too.
This is the actual reason I went to Seoul that weekend. To see a friend, Misun. I am not quite sure why she seems to be looking beyond me and not at the camera. Perhaps there was some good-looking guy behind me at the time. I saw her just the other week. She has changed her hair, but still looks pretty similar.
The cherry trees were also blossoming back home in Andong, too. These are along the river just above the bridge over the Naktong river. I think they should have planted these trees to spell out some word or create an image. It would have been more interesting. Something like that has been done before. Take a look at one rather infamous tree planting in Germany (second picture in the story).
Some closeups of the flowers.

Just a local enjoying the day and the flowers.
This is just a compound in the older style, out away from the city. I don't think anyone actually lives here. Perhaps they just use the house for special occasions.
Here I am looking over the wall to get a shot of the porch. Yeah, I know this image would look better without that wire there, but I didn't feel like taking it out of the picture.
These next five shots are some pictures I took when I revisited Dosan Sewon in Spring. If you don't remember Dosan Seowon, click the name and go have a look.

And finally, I leave you with something else that has been on this page. Can you guess what it is? Got it? Well, this is Andong dam again, but this time I am at the base looking up the face.
I hope you have enjoyed these photos. If you feel like it, leave a comment. I would love to hear what you have to say.
But I have decided I am going to stop apologizing for not having photos here in a timely manner. If I want to be lazy, I'll be lazy; if I want to feverishly post the latest details of my life, I will do that too (don't count on it). But there is no reason to have to say I am sorry just because it has been a while since I have posted. So there it is. No more "I'm sorry". If that bothers you, if that chaps your ass, well then ...
... I'm sorry.
This post is just a collection of some photos at the end of one memory card and at the start of another. There is no underlying theme here except maybe that all these photos were taken in the spring of 2005. So yes I am officially one year behind in posting photos.

These next five shots are some pictures I took when I revisited Dosan Sewon in Spring. If you don't remember Dosan Seowon, click the name and go have a look.

Looking out the kitchen window.

A gate down to another level.

Some rooftops.

A roof and the forest.

A garden gate.

I hope you have enjoyed these photos. If you feel like it, leave a comment. I would love to hear what you have to say.
plenty of real nice photos!
like the dam one! .. & in previous posts, the sunsets, the fire series, flowers .. & i especially like all the shots that give us/me the feeling of what the place is like
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